Contact & FAQ

Most asked questions, contact details & directions

Rate types

Prices include all taxes and fees.

Flexible rate

  • Payment: The total amount will be charged 2 days before your arrival.
  • Cancellation: You can cancel for free up to 2 days before your arrival. If you cancel later or do not show up, the full amount will be charged.
    Example: If you arrive on July 20, you can cancel for free until July 17 at 11:59 PM (local time).

Non-refundable rate

  • Payment: The total price will be charged at the time of booking.
  • Cancellation: There is no refund if you cancel, change your booking, or do not show up.

Booking on our website

If you book a flexible rate on our website, you can cancel your booking by emailing the accommodation directly, following the conditions mentioned above.

Booking on other platforms

If you book through platforms like, you can only cancel flexible rate bookings directly on those platforms, following the rate conditions mentioned above.

You can also call our accommodations directly or send an email. You can find the phone numbers and email addresses below under ‘Contacts’.

It is possible to make a reservation by email at or by phone.

Group inquiries are possible; please write directly to

Yes, if the group is large enough (around 15 people), a discount is possible.


We offer breakfast at the following locations:

  • Hotel Leo
  • Hotel Rudy
  • Johannesgasse Apartments


We do not offer dinner at any of our locations.

Reservation Office

For questions or information about group reservations, please contact us here.

For urgent matters, please contact the accommodation directly.


Hotel Leo

Johannesgasse Apartments

Riverside Hotel Salzburg

Hotel Rudy

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